Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Burrowing Owls 4th Place Finish

On August 19, 2009 the Western Idaho Fair awarded a 4th place ribbon to wildlife photographer Robert Whitlatch in the panoramic division for his portrait of the Pearl, Idaho burrowing owls.

"This year I made a weekly trip to visit the owl's habitat near Pearl. It was fascinating to watch their behaviors from week to week. The parents are very territorial and use a terrific flying subtrefuge to confuse threats to their habitat. I look forward to studying them once again next year."


Lewis Clark said...

owls are such clever animals and this is such a nice picture. Thanks for posting this mate.

Tech IT Solutions said...

Owl is considered to be a non favorite bird but i tell you in this picture its looking the cutest bird of the world. I liked your love for wildlife photography.