Sunday, February 10, 2013

Found Waldo

Cabin fever yesterday.... Got out with my camera and walked Kathryn Albertson Park. The ponds were drained with patches of snow.

Hoping to photograph the usual American Wigeons I then walked over to Ann Morrison Park and those ponds were just patches of snow.

During my lunch break today, I looked out on the commons lawn and here came a foraging flock of American Wigeons.... and ...... in their midst, a Eurasian Wigeon. "Oh please," I thought, "keep coming to the creek and swim by the front of the house. But oh God, I gotta change lenses. Do I have enough time?"

Did the lens exchange, put memory in the mother ship, checked power. "Now what setting????..... shutter priority, 250th of a second....." And there they were. There he was as I opened the front door....

I'm always hopeful of seeing cedar waxwings among foraging robins and dare I hope for a Bohemian? And was once treated to a varied thrush among the robins.

That surprise bird, maybe nemesis or not, that moment of joy from deep within that wings up among the synapses, the wonder of birding.....

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

Robert P. Whitlatch you did a great job, you have really touched my heart i love nature and you have presented it in the most natural forum